The question that comes to mind with vegan diets is where you could get high protein meals. We were taught in school as young children that it is very important to eat your meat because it is a very good source of protein. True! Meat is a very good source of protein, but not the only source of protein. Although human body needs a balanced diet to function effectively, there is no rule where and how to get the required nutrients. The trick is to recognize them.

Vegan ProteinMeat is not the only source of protein. Also, food around us is complex, and each kind usually contains one or more vital nutrients for us to consume and eat. Seaweed, broccoli and spinach are some vegetables which can be used as substitutes for meat as vegan protein.

For legumes, we can eat peas, kidney beans and things that look like or are derived from soy. Nuts and grains are also common kinds of food where we can find the nutrients our bodies would tend to miss if we take in less meat in our diet.

Meat-lovers would counter with the argument that there is more protein in meat than in peas and nuts. This would not be a problem since consuming vegetables, grains, and nuts offers no problem to people who count calories. And since calorie-consumption is not a problem, then you just need to consume a lot more vegetables, grains, legumes and nuts in order to match the protein given by, let’s say a 1.5lb piece of steak.

Vegan protein meals can be prepared as easily as the ones with meat, simply by using a combination of ingredients that meet your daily nutritional needs.

Another viable alternative is to use protein supplements along with your diet. These things are commonly advertised and come either in powder form, protein shake form or even in pills. But I am a strong believer, practitioner and consumer of foods in their most natural form. Unless you reside in a place where vegetables and legumes are outlawed and forbidden, I strongly suggest you stick to getting your vegan protein from real food rather than taking pills or drinking supplements. Supplements are meant to supply deficiencies, and are not designed to be the main source of your body’s protein needs.

Following this diet and almost blacklisting meat from your diet would be extremely new and different to you and your family if you have been consuming meat all your lives. Like with anything in life, perseverance is the key. I can assure you from my lifetime experience vegan meals composed of organic products have the most refreshing effect on our mind, body and spirit.

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